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Class 01

What we did

Class 01 first united on August 11, 2023.  Each cadet was greeted by instructors as they arrived to Steen School uncertain of what the day or week would bring.  They didn't know it then, but training had already begun.  

Throughout the extensive six days of instruction the cadets attended classes such as conflict resolution and personal hygiene.  The cadets experienced hands-on training with the Bogota Rescue Squad and Bogota Fire Department where they were able to utilize the jaws of life and familiarize themselves with all of the fire department's equipment.  After the largest water hose competition, each cadet learned how to SCUBA dive with certified instructors.  

Every cadet was instructed and certified in CPR before they were able to put their new skills to the test when Hackensack University Medical Center's helicopter landed in Olsen Park for a presentation on medical emergencies.  

Team building continued as the cadets went to GOAT rock climbing in Hackensack.  Each cadet would cheer on the next as they climbed upwards of 60 feet.  

After every squad completed various tasks, putting together everything they learned, the cadets were presented with custom made dog tags to represent all their accomplishments.  On Friday August 18 Steen School's gymnasium was filled with parents, family members and friends proudly showing support of the achievements this class has accomplished.  

Although they showed up as individuals, they left as one.  Each cadet completed the academy with a little more pride, a little more courage and most importantly a little more confidence.  

    Class 01
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